What's the class about?
Classes available from 10:00am-6:40pm per instructor availability(Seasonal times vary) Price per Session1 student 15 min classes $340 Scheduling and RegistrationPlease refer to the registration page for detailed information. Registration Requirements:3 forms Registration, pool rule and 1st page policy form in hard copy. Full payment. On the registration form required, correct info. Correct swim level as described below. Birthdate, email address, choice of M W or T TH Preferred time range (the earliest and latest you can be here for classes) Signature that you agree to our rules and policies HolidaysPlease check with your instructor if class will be held on holidays. A make up day will be offered if class is cancelled due to a holiday WeatherCheck your email one hour before you arrive to see if your class is canceled due to inclement weather. Classes are canceled for lightning, torrential rain and high winds.