Jr Guard Prep and Conditioning class


Jr Lifeguards is a wonderful program for youth to learn about ocean safety and various ocean activities. Most beach cities offer this program all along the coast. While we do not advocate one program over another, we do train the children and prepare them to pass the entry requirements and learn water safety survival skills before they are sent out into the ocean.

We strongly recommend that if your child is going to enroll in one of these programs to sign up for our Jr Guard Prep course so they have the basic understanding and skills necessary to feel safe and water prepared for the rigorous training they will receive at one of the Jr Guard programs.


Basic Requirements to pass the Jr Guard test

Technique class required before enrollment of Jr Guard Prep course. This class is strenuous so it is important to have a proper foundation of stroke techniques.

100 yard swim in under 2- 2:30 minutes Depending on which program enrolled


5 minutes of treading water


10 yards of underwater swimming (Some programs require this)

2025 Session Dates

All sessions are 4 weeks long

Feb 17 to Mar 13
Mar 17 to Apr 10
Apr 10 to May 8
May 12 to June 5
June 9 to July 3
July 7 to July 31
Aug 4 to Aug 29
Sep 1 to Sept 26
Sept 29 to Oct 24
Oct 27 to Nov 10
Nov 24 to Dec 18

If the session falls on a holiday please check with your instructor for the holiday schedule.



What's the class about?

Preparing to pass the test and learn ocean safety skills

1. Review Freestyle stroke techniques and treading water

2. Swim conditioning and Jr Guard testing

3. Survival safety skills

4. Simulation of ocean swims

5. Managing fear or panic


Classes available from 10:00am-6:40pm per instructor availability

(Seasonal times vary)

Price per Session

1 student 15 min classes $340
1 student 20 min classes $425
2 students 20 min classes $225 each student
3-4 students 30 min $225
5-8 students 40 min classes $200
9-12 student classes 45 min classes $200

Scheduling and Registration

Please refer to the registration page for detailed information.

Registration Requirements:

3 forms

Registration, pool rule and 1st page policy form in hard copy.

Full payment.

On the registration form required, correct info.

Correct swim level as described below.

Birthdate, email address, choice of M W or T TH

Preferred time range (the earliest and latest you can be here for classes)

Signature that you agree to our rules and policies


Please check with your instructor if class will be held on holidays. A make up day will be offered if class is cancelled due to a holiday


Check your email one hour before you arrive to see if your class is canceled due to inclement weather. Classes are canceled for lightning, torrential rain and high winds.


swim meet